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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Draft for Suggestion and objections to the revised development plan of old limit of Pune city.

The last date of submitting suggestions and objections to the revised Draft development plan of Pune city will end on 26th april 2013. Citizens can send their suggestions and objections either to Town Planning Officer on his official PMC address or email them on, , For citizens who are not in a position to study the draft DP,  we  (Maj. Gen. SCN Jatar, Retd and Mr. Vijay Kumbhar)  have prepared a model draft for suggestions and objections. Citizens can send their suggestions and objections in this format or can add their views if they so wish.

It is the moral duty of every Punekar to send suggestions and objections on draft DP. Otherwise, the generations to follow will hold us responsible and ask questions like, "what have you done for us?" "How many play grounds, gardens, open spaces you have left for us to breath clean?" "When mafias were grabbing these lands, what were you doing?" "At least did you show any courage to register objection to stop such things?"
To avoid these awkward questions, the citizens of Pune must lodge their suggestions and objections in large numbers.

Draft for suggestions and objections

Town Planning Officer,
Pune Municipal Corporation,

Sub: - Suggestion and objections to the revised Draft development plan of old limit of Pune city...

Dear Sir,
Pune Municipal Corporation has called suggestion and objections to the revised Draft development plan of Pune city. Our suggestion and objections to the same as under

1) There are no abbreviations mentioned in either draft DP or reservation list. As well, as while publishing this DP, the reports and maps on which this DP is prepared have not published as mandated in MRTP act. So please publish those reports and maps and accordingly request for the extension for time for suggestion and objections.

2) The norms for the reservations made are incorrect and reduced, hence keep the norms that were in 1987 DP plan.

3) There is vast difference between Draft prepared by Town Planning Officer and draft approved by general body. In addition, it has further reduced the standard norms; hence, all the changes made according to suggestions in general body must be cancelled.

4) Henceforth all the reservations will be developed by either R-& of DC rules or under PPP.In this case PMC gets only 15% to 25 % land reserved for public purpose, that will reduce the reservation by 75% to 85% .Already the reservation kept in DP are below norms .And reducing reservation this way will hamper intention of DP, hence all the reservation kept must be used for that purpose only.

5) The accountability for implementation has not been fixed. As such, there is no way to measure the percentage achievement by 2027. The draft DP does not assign responsibilities and targets to any official. As such, this DP too will meet the same fate as the previous ones. Hence, such responsibility should be fixed

6) It is not mentioned in the DP that how PMC will mobilise funds for implementation of DP. Unless it is clear, DP will not be implemented. Hence, the only projects as per availability of funds must be mentioned in the DP.

7) The reservations meant for HCMTR rout in 1987 plan overlapped with new reservations, hence necessary correction should be made and the Detailed Project report for HCMTR should be prepared and all the land meant for it should be acquired simultaneously.

8) The reservation on forestland must be cancelled

 9) Recommendations made by MoEF and approved by High Court should be incorporated in the DP.

10) Rivers and other natural water resources are handed over to PMC for supervision purpose only, PMC cannot make any temporary or permanent construction on it, as well as 7 to 9 meter area around those is always a green belt, this has been overlooked.

11)The use of amusement parks , art and craft villages is proposed on hill top and hill slopes but it is not mentioned in entire DP that by which rules such use has been allowed .so such use should not be allowed.

12) PMC has not complied with conditions imposed by irrigation department regarding recycling of used water and water supply. Hence, projects for recycling of used water, storage of it, provision for canals to use the same and metres to measure to actual supply of water to PMC should be made in DP itself.

13) Provision for the management of solid waste should be made according to the law. Rochem project near Hadpasar is near the residential area. Either to relocate the residential complexes near the project or the project itself should be made in DP itself

Pls consider above suggestions and objections seriously and give us sufficient prior notice for hearing the same.
     Thanks and Regards