India, Maharashtra, vijay kumbhar, News, Governance, RTI, Transparency, Civic Issues, Real Estate

Thursday, March 30, 2017

EoW Pune to Have Dialogue With Investors of Temple Rose Real Estate

Earlier Investors in temple rose real estate (TRRE) schemes were running from pillar to post when they realized cheating. But things were not going in positive way because  the stooges of company were already mixed with them pretending themselves  as gullible investors. These stooges were misguiding real investors.However Now Economic offences ( EoW) wing of Pune Police has taken positive initiative and has decided to have dialogue with investors of TRRE investors.The dialogue will be held at the conference hall at headquarters of pune police in camp at 9.30 AM to 11.oo AM on Saturday 1st april 2017.Inspector Rajesh Puranik ( Phone No 9870196071) of EoW will listen investors complaints

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The basic problem with such investors is that, they never see or insist for correct document when they invest. This thing becomes hurdle in to file or lodge a complaint.The  operators of such schemes promise victims high returns on their investments but instead of investing their funds, the perpetrator use their commitments to pay off earlier losses and take a cut for themselves. As the scheme progresses, the number of victims and the size of their combined losses grow exponentially.These operators appoint smart staff and agents. Most of the time staff and agents get paid more than what they deserve and hence they don’t hesitate to deceive own relatives or acquaintances .

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Saturday meeting is for  TRRE investor. We will keep on discussing investments in so called proposed N-A Plots, Villa plots, farmhouses , affordable housing, double your money by investing in plotting or plantation schemes  etc. in RTI KATTA. RTI KATTA is a platform to empower oneself through discussions amongst each other to solve their problems by using Right to Information and other acts, Every Sunday at Chittaranjan Watika, Model Colony,Shivaji nagar, Pune, between 9.30 to 10.30 A.M.

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RTI KATTA is a platform to empower oneself through discussions amongst each other to solve their problems by using Right to Information act, Every Sunday at Chittaranjan Watika, Model Colony,Shivaji nagar, Pune, between 9.30 to 10.30 A.M.

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